by mitzimsa on May 21, 2013


Keds Taylor Swift

Sneakers may come and sneaker may go but the one that has stayed true to my heart is my KEDS their  just a part of who I am.  I start off every spring with a new Keds Crisp White Canvas Champion.   Why I’ve even been known to use a pair as a basis for an Easter Basket a time or two.  Once the jazz in the park season gets well on its way I’m down for more color and patterns to match my summer wardrobe.  In my opinion what would summer be without an extensive array of Keds to choose from in the closet!

I remember when I first got married I went out and purchased 3 pairs of the Keds White Champions, of course the hubby could not understand buying 3 pair of the same shoe.  Well it all became clear once he saw that I only wore them one by one until they lost their place in the lineup of the quick go to, due to dirt. Ya see washing them was not an option.  I found that no matter how many ways I tried to wash them they would never have that white crisp look that I demanded so the next pair would be called to the front of the line.


Keds Kate Spade

Spring has sprung and the bunny hopped right on bye and I find myself without new Keds.  I’m kind of sad that the bunny didn’t surprises me with a new pair, so I’m now left with a BIG problem. For the first time in my life, as a kid who wears Keds I’m not sure if I’m going for the Keds Classic White as my first pair for spring/summer!  The many choices that are on the shelves has me going crazy…..polka dots, strips, flowers, tie dye, smooth, patterned and leather. I can’t leave out the fact that theirs Taylor’s Picks by Taylor Swift and my girl Kate Spade has her Kicks in the ring.  What’s a girl to do?  Hope I don’t blow my summer shoe budget on Keds, but that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing!

Now what I did with the old soldiers is another story  🙂



One comment

I had totally forgotten about Keds until earlier this summer. I originally fell in love with some nautical themed ones, but they were sold out in my size. When I saw the Kate Spade ones for fall, I was completely elated and jumped on it! Love your blog post and your Keds loyalty! 🙂

by Parker Simmons - September 8, 2013 - 5:54 am. Reply #

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