by mitzimsa on May 31, 2013


Toilet Paper Soft Charmin

What did you talk about today?  Me, toilet paper Charmin to be exact.  Now this may not be something that you want to talk about but to me, don’t nothing feel better than wipin your behind with toilet paper that leaves you feeling like you used a warm soft cloth.   I love Charmin my favorite of all time is the Sensitive, honey it is so smooth….that’s because it has the Aloe & E in the mix but it’s hard to find a spot where they sell it in the Mega Roll *insert, stuck out lip* and that’s how we have to roll in my house. I tend to lean toward buying the soft but soft or strong works for me as long as it’s Charmin.

Well, that’s what a little lady and I spent about 15-20 minutes talking about on Aisle A48.  See I was minded my own self business just out pickin up a few things for a friend when this nice voice from out of know where said “excuse me, is it on special does it say for how long?”  I replied with the info. that she requested and the conversation just took off.

We discussed all the reasons that Charmin was the best toilet paper around.  She explained to me how she preferred the soft over the strong and how Target always has great deals. We continued to stroll down the aisle looking at all the toilet paper choices and makin comments about each and every one.


When we came upon the Charmin Freshmates Flushable Wipes her eyes lit up and her voice rang with joy as she told me how nice they were and how her husband thought they were the “best thing since man went to the moon.”  I was pleased to be able to give her the good news,  “if you buy the 16 mega roll you’ll get the 40 count flushable for free.”   That little lady smiled and ask if I could get down the toilet paper as she picked up her gift with purchase. She expressed how she wasn’t the type that would discuss toilet paper with a total stranger but that it was nice to talk to someone who felt the same way about Charmin as she did. It gave her comfort when I told her it was not a normal practice for me either.

As we walked our separate ways she chuckled as I smiled and she said, “What did you talk about today?”  I think we were both quite tickled as we bid each other a good day!

One comment

Well we never really talk about TP but it’s nice to see someone is! Thanks Mitzi!

by Leenos - June 23, 2013 - 6:31 pm. Reply #

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