Trip Number ??… Everyone is an adventure!
by mitzimsa on July 25, 2013
Trip Number ??… Everyone is an adventure!
I’ve always said….
“I married an adventure and another trip is right around the corner”
Okay it’s been awhile, life has truly got in the way of my blog moving forward. I’ve tried and tried to set down and write to stay current with my post, but if it hasn’t been one thing it’s another.
Hubby had surgery and getting ready to start a life altering treatment. Me, I sprung my keen and the dentist found a hair line fracture in my tooth; no other choice I must be crowned! That may sound like a lot but it’s only the tip of this trip!
I can hardly believe that the trip (vacation) that I waited 2 years for and started preparing for about 3 months ago I can no longer take. This trip was not just any trip it’s to my home town for Iowa Daze 2013! Not only would I get to see most of my family but a lot of my school friends and my best friend ever will be on deck. This is the party no one wants to miss!
Even though my parents are both deceased I could stop by and pay respects in my own way. For my mother I’ll send up a bouquet of pink balloons tell her of all the new and exciting thing that have happen since we last spent time together. For Daddy, while listening to James Brown on my iPod I’d flip through pictures of the past when he was an Entertainment Promoter and James UHM, excuss me; Mr. Brown was one of his biggest promotions which I happen to introduce in front of all Des Moines.
Would make it a point to swing by with a bunch of pretty wrapped gifts as if it were Christmas to see a special women that was always a Mother to me. Even though she’s gotten a lil older and forgetful she ask about me from time to time (Ya, I’m Cheeseing)! I could hang with my sisters older and younger missing & loving them both. Pretty sure the big brother will be in town from Minneapolis maybe we could round up the younger brothers their children and grandbabies and do the picnic in the park on Sat. But it’s all a busted bubble now while I prepare for a bumpy road trip.
Where The Heart Is…
Oh well, you’ve got to do what ya got to do in this life! Right now my place is at home with the hubby helping him walk through his journey, there’s no other place I’d rather be!
In fact I’m going on a trip of sorts I believe that venturing into new territory is somewhat symbolic of taking a trip. This medical journey will start out as a long summer vacation ( I’m sure there will be times I drift off to a nice exotic place). Then we’ll wait for the next stage of the trip, which will do us all good if were blessed with it being sooner than later.
Any who, I’m sure there will be more later but for now it’s good to sit and write!
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