Coffee Mate…You’ve Come A Long Way Baby!

by mitzimsa on September 20, 2013


Coffee Mate…Makes Coffee Time Anytime!

 Coffee Mate NEST7869_CoffeeMateCallout_Q42012

I’m one of those people that makes my coffee like dessert some time with liquor depending on the time of day! I must say I’ve developed a bit of a sweet tooth in my old age.  My absolute favorite coffee cream was Caramel Macchiato, that is until I fell in love at first taste with the… Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Caramel and Sweet Cream! If sweet is not your thing give your cup a swirl of Vanilla, trust all three will defiantly turn that cup of coffee up a notch!  I drink coffee morning, noon and night so I’m always looking for some crazy concoction.  That’s the search which led me to the web site, only to  find out that recipes are in development.  I’ll be sure to check back soon because  I  know they’ll be the cat’s meow!

What I did find out on the web site… is that all three of these products are Kosher, Gluten Free and have no Trans Fat, in other words this product is great for everyone that has stomach problems, watching their fat intake and are lactose intolerant.  All three of these issues seem to be a common concern for my age bracket!

 Coffee Mate Iced Coffee Milk Shake 



 The 32oz bottle is the only way to go  in my house, I guess you could call us coffee cream snobs.   Since it’s arrival my grandchildren must have Natural Bliss for their Saturday Morning hot cereal.  Also a day at Honey’s house would not be complete without their PG Rated Iced Coffee Milk Shake (Ice Cubes, Natural Bliss, Sugar Water and a Splash of Coffee mixed in the blender) poured into tall glass add whip cream and sometime a cherry on top, insert  straw and it won’t be long before I hear “Honey, this sure is good!”

 Thanks Nestle, you’ve made my cup of coffee like a visit with my best friend and sometime a play date! 

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