Medical Adventure: The Path To Success…

by mitzimsa on September 18, 2013

Medical Adventure: The Path To Success!

Pre Medical AdventureSo if you were interested in where I’ve been my family life needed me more than my passion. A few weeks ago I wrote an essay that discussed a medical journey that I would be going on with my husband.  Well The Medical Adventure has begun, while we take this journey I’m sure my post will become a series of post that reflect the different turns we take to succeed.

Seems so long ago that we walked down the aisle and at the same time like it was just yesterday, if ya know what I mean.  We’ve basked in the sunshine and walked through the fire and rain. In spite of it all we have remained side by side. It took a hella lot of work to get here but here we are. I laugh when I think about the day we mate and all the fun times we’ve had thus far…

Anyhow as we moved through life my husband has honestly learned that I’m his ride or die chick, for real!  At the start of a marriage you can easily say “I’m down” because your head is in the clouds. As the marriage goes along the real world steps in and you have to overcome challenges together. Now ya’ll know Men Are From Mars! It gets so real that you have to remember to continue to love each other especially on the days that you don’t even like one another, this will happen from time to time.

We as women show are love in so many ways and often feel like we’re being pulled to the call of duty more often than are partner but we both have are responsibilities in the union and throughout the glory shifts.

So after many years of being together and going through many ups and downs life has thrown us another curve ball and once again I’m ready to step up to the plate and knock it out the park.

While I’m becoming an all star of the medical business my husband now professes his love to the world every chance he gets, loll.  Recently when he was coming from under anathisa after a medical procedure, I’m told he gave his recovery nurse TMI. More information than any would every want to know about me!  The nurse called for me to assist with waking him because honey he was telling it allllll!

Well as I said I’m sure you’ll hear more from me on this subject as we move through all the bumps, twist and turns on this journey.


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