California Fashion Plate: Legacy License Plate

by mitzimsa on October 2, 2013

California Fashion Plate:  It’s So LA!

California Vintage Plate 1Retro-styled plates are now being offered thanks to Assemblyman Mike Gatto’s Legacy License Plate bill. As of August 6, 2013 Assembly Transportation Committee passed CA Assembly Bill (AB) 1658. That’s the California Legacy License Plate Program. Mike’s bill will let drivers pick a vintage-style California license plate.

California’s Department of Motor Vehicles is selling them in three colors: yellow plates with black lettering (originally issued from 1956 to 1963), black with yellow lettering (1964 to 1969) and blue with yellow lettering (issued until 1982).  The DMV is marketing to and banking on the classic car enthusiasts, to make the vintage plates fly!  Apparently, among the enthusiast there was some concern that the plates would be flat painted plates.  The DMV has confirmed that current law requires license plates to be reflectorized and modern manufacturing processes will not allow for an exact replication of the original plates.  The final design of the Legacy plates are a little different from the actual antique plates you see around town.  They will be reflective, not flat paint but they will have the stamped surface just like the old ones were along with the classic, no-nonsense layout.

California Goes Retro!

The DMV is accepting pre-orders in hopes to meet an important stipulation for specialty plates.  Each of the three color options needs to have 7,500 preorders before the state will make them. They have until January 1, 2015 to reach the required minimum for any one of the plate styles.  Only the black plate is even halfway there. Here’s the latest tally:

  • Yellow plates: 1,213
  • Black plates: 4,224
  • Blue plates: 901


These Legacy License Plates would make any late-model car look a little chic. I’m so excited!  As soon as I can decide on which one will look good on my Chevy HHR the DMV can have my $50 with a smile!  Oh, by the way if you pre-order a plate today and the California Retro Plate program does not fly you will receive your refund after January 2015.


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