by mitzimsa on October 17, 2013


THE GREAT SHAKEOUT 2013 I’m ready, are you?

Earthquake Preparedness Be Ready

EarthQuake Preparedness:  The Great ShakeOut began in Southern California in 2008 and has since spread to other states and other countries. Over here on the Fox Lot we take Earthquake Preparedness seriously we we hopped on the  big shake down with the rest of Los Angeles that chose to participate in the 2013 Great Shakeout today. We joined 9 million fellow Californian’s that participated by Drop-Cover-Hold.

At 10:17 AM this morning we Dropped to the floor-took Cover under a sturdy piece of furniture such as our desk or a table, and Held in place for 60 seconds. That was it! This exercise is done on a annual basis to keep it fresh in our minds what we should do in case of an Earth Quack. We must be ready to react quickly and In order to do  this we must practice.  You may only have a few seconds to protect yourself in an earthquake, before the strong shaking knocks you down or something drops on you.

You never Know where You’ll Be…

Below are a few pointers that you should remember in case of an Earth Quack,  Earthquake Preparedness Technique

Inside, a building, Drop, Cover and Hold On until the shaking stops

Outdoors, find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, streetlights and power lines and Drop, Cover and Hold until the shaking stops

Driving, pull over to a clear location, stop and stay in your car with your seatbelt fastened until the shaking stops.  Proceed with caution and avoid bridges and ramps these structures many have been damaged during the quack.

The ground shaking of a earthquake is usually not the cause of injury.  Most of the injuries and deaths are caused by collapsing walls and roofs, flying glass and falling objects.  It is important that you move as little as possible to reach a safe place most of the time when people try to move more than a short distance is when injury occurs.

If you live in a earthquake prone region take a  moments, look around identify a safe place and watch the video (link below)  so that you can respond quickly in case the ground under you starts to shake!


Hey Mitzi, well I like your helpful site, but if we ever , ever, I mean ever, have a earthquake here in Iowa like yal do out there. Ill grow a new a__hole, girllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, but I do like your page and everything, here’s supporting you. Love you.

by Anita Greenfield - October 18, 2013 - 9:08 pm. Reply #

Oooo thanks Nita! If that happens I’m going to grow a new one as well!! Happy to know you checked it out your support is appreciated, much love!

by mitzimsa - October 21, 2013 - 1:07 pm. Reply #

lmaoooo WAIT! I totally missed this. I don’t mean to laugh. Awwww I sorta miss earthquakes.

by Kitty Bradshaw - October 23, 2013 - 12:43 pm. Reply #

Great useful post. As an east coast gal, u used to think this wasn’t relevant (and then it WAS). Thank you, you may have saved lives.

by Mariana L - June 18, 2015 - 1:15 pm. Reply #

I am from Southern California and I remember all growing up doing drills in the classroom for earthquakes. We were even required to have little kits filled with water, food, and blankets on the first day of school.

by Busy Bee - June 18, 2015 - 1:17 pm. Reply #

Good tips. And in the biggest earthquake I was ever in in Seattle, I forgot ALL of this! lol! I just stood there like a deer in the headlights, and when it ended I RAN out of the building. haha! So bad… Always good to have a reminder to do the right things.

by Dove - June 19, 2015 - 3:55 pm. Reply #

Never thought I would need info like this in the Northeast, but then we got one in 2013… this might save lives

by Mariana L - October 15, 2015 - 9:38 pm. Reply #

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