Potatoes: Fry For A Side Dish
by mitzimsa on March 9, 2014
For the last few days my husband has requested that I make him fried potatoes. This morning before getting ready for work I decided that I would pull out the skillet and get things popin! If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make fried potatoes, this method will suit you just fine, trust your family will love them!
Nothing fancy, start with your basic ingredients (potatoes, onions, garlic) I like to add bell pepper but since these are not for me I omitted from this batch!
Peel and slice your potatoes, rinse in cold water and place in a bowl of cold water to soak off some of the starch. While the potatoes are soaking slice the onions and garlic and any other veggie you might want to added, be creative!
Next, drain the potatoes and place in a zip lock bag, set bag in bowl and place in the microwave. Now this is the tricky part depending on the wattage of your microwave will depend on the cooking time. Just remember you are using this method to soften the potatoes so that you can fry them fast. I usually start with 5-7 minutes. and judge the tenderness to determine if more time is needed.
While waiting for potatoes to soften in the microwave, placed sliced veggies in a skillet with a little olive oil or whichever type of oil you prefer. Sauté veggies until they get a little color, I take mine to the point of carmelization to bring out the sweetness.
Once potatoes have achieved your level of softness, place them on top of the sauté veggies. Add your desired seasoning, mix to incorporate the veggies and potatoes and let cook.
They always come out perfect, enjoy!!
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