Belle The Movie

by mitzimsa on May 12, 2014


This period drama takes place in the 18th Century and tells the story of a illegitimate biracial women who is an heiress of a Royal Navy Admiral.

The film Belle, deals with class, dowries, engagements, female empowerment and racism.  Her family tree affords her privileges but her skin color prevents her from many traditions and social standings. I’m sure your thinking…here’s yet another slave movie by Searchlight… your wrong.  Is it a slave story?  Some what.   Is it the same slave story that we’re so familiar with?  No.  Is slavery the only story in this film? No. Be intrigued by the different angles that Hollywood has chosen to tell the story of African Americans in bondage as of late.  This movie not only reminds me of the flight the mixed race women (African American/Black mixed with the Caucasian) had in history but, of the African American’s flight period (Thanks, Donald Sterling).

Belle The Movie One SheetSad but true biracial women still face the difficulty today of “Where do I fit in.”  Too dark to be Caucasian too white to be African American/Black along with the constant reminder that one drop of blood from a different race mixed with Caucasian deems you to the other race. Belle, brought to mind something that my mother would express to me often.  “I’m proud of the fact that my daughters are able to be proud of who they are for it has not always been this way for our people” and “Honey, always remember that no matter how rich you are money will not offer you all of the privileges of the world we live in.” Unfortunately the film brought this to mind but, it is what it is people. Until we stand up and do more to make a change in the human race and our behaviors we will continue to live in this one sided existence. With that being said, DON’T SLEEP on this film it so beautifully done.  The love stories, the costuming, the language and the history lesson make it worthy.

BELLE hit theaters on May 2 in NY and LA, and across the nation throughout the months of May and June.

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