Did You Know The Cinderella Story Has Changed?

by mitzimsa on May 22, 2014

Revision of the Cinderella Story!

Ladies,remember when you envisioned what your husband, would look like? That fairy tale in your head that usually happens somewhere between 18 and 25 years of age? Even though this is probably the second time you revised the tale considering that the outlook is much different from when you were let’s say 10 years old. Well if you’re in your 30’s and beyond and still on the quest of finding the right man for you….know that it’s time to revise the Cinderella Story!

Black CinderellaCinderella Story Has ChangedI’m not saying that what’s on your list can’t be found but, the chances get slimmer as you get older. Trust, that second list has way to many wants with no consideration of the gives that must be considered. Let’s face it men have a list as well and it’s not just looks and .…. (fill in the blank) anymore! Men seem to be waiting longer to marry and robbing the cradle (oops, did I say that!) when they do.

Clearing throat…Honey it’s no longer the days  of only his money and positions being up to par for you. He has a vision of the end game of life as well.  It’s diffidently time to get real and consider a revision that’s based on these days and times.  Men are no longer hanging around to step to the counter and pay for your wants and carry them to the car, their also looking for their wants to be considered in the equation…talking equally yoked.

Cinderella says, “Thank you fairy godmother”

Whatever your motivation for marriage is love, money, status or companionship don’t be afraid to change the cover of the book. Go ahead live in the moment and rewrite the Cinderella Story think it through and make sure you can live with the revision because you’re the one that must live with the choices and whatever comes along with it.  

This I know for sure!Black CinderellaBlack Cinderella


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