Empowering Compton California Youth

by mitzimsa on June 10, 2014

 Summer Leadership Experience for Compton California Youth

Compton California Summer Youth Program

Compton’s Mayor Aja Brown has launched summer program designed to prepare Compton’s youth to succeed in college and in the workplace.

Applications were available at all the high schools in the City of Compton California and requiared the students to submit GPA as well as a  personal statement.  The Application and recruitment process was handled by each individual high school and reviewed by the Mayor’s Office for acceptance. 

The six week experience will be offered to 100 Compton California  high school students. Two days a week the youth will take financial literacy, leadership and career planning courses on the Compton College Campus.  The clinics will be hosted by various partners of the summer experience which include Wells Fargo, Operation Hope and a host of local and regional non-profits.  There will also be one-on-one mentorship, guidance counseling and assistance in creating a 5 year action plan to achieve set goals.


Compton California Empowers Youth Through Education and Leadership

Compton California City Marker

Compton California City Marker

This new to the city youth leadership program will also offer work experience through interning with local business and or organizations.  Two days a week the business/organizations will offer hands on work experience as an introduction to the workforce and the participants will receive a stipend.



Kudos to  Aja Brown Mayor of Compton California!



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