Stanley Cup Viewing On The Lot!

by mitzimsa on September 19, 2014


Stanley Cup Protector Bailey and IFox Presents The Viewing of the Stanley Cup and it’s protector, the Los Angeles Kings Mascot Bailey!  For starters I have to say this was a popular event here on the lot.  I  walked over to the event with hopes of a view and a possible  chance for a snap shot with the cup.  I saw people walking as if they were out to win the title of Champion Race Walker 2014!  At that point I knew this was some serious business.  Once I arrived to the landing of Bldg. 103 all I could see was Black, Grey and White LA Kings Hockey Shirts, there were T’s, jerseys, banners and pucks the assortment of memorabilia was endless.  A BBQ, music and even a cake replica of the Stanley Cup. Why people had even pulled their children out of child care for the opportunity to take a picture with Bailey and the Cup. I watched people transform into fans while standing in line, most of the children were not quite as frantic with excitment as their parents. They seemed upset with the fact that they had been  forced to make wardrobe changes while the sun beat down on their faces and the long line. Often while strolling through the crowd I would hear a parent repeat “You want to see Bailey! Right? With a silly smile on their face. I felt like the kids, “if I can see him now, I don’t want to wait” this was said with a whine in their voice and with a frown on face.

So, I weaved my way through the crowd caught a few shots of Bailey, The Stanly Cup, Crowds, Line Action and Selfies, I knew there was no way I could continue to stand out in this 100 degree heat.  It was so hot I thought the devil was on my tail and I found myself at times wishing somebody would throw cold water on me so I could melt like the wicked witch of the west!!!


Stanly Cup 2 (3)Any who, I can say the  Stanley Cup is one sexy trophy it stands tall and proud and shines like new money!  I could tell that it made everyone that got close feel the same way because their faces would light up bright as the sun!

Thanks, Kings Organization for allowing the residents of LA the opportunity to join in on the celebration of  pride, Los Angeles Home of the Champions and The Stanley Cup!!


Great post! Love the flow of writing and topic! Your blog is beautiful 🙂

by Lyfé Wisdom - September 19, 2014 - 3:36 pm. Reply #

Yes, that would have been me … whining. I’m not a sports enthusiast, but I can appreciate those who are and I’m glad you got the opportunity to get close and personal. Take care!

by Jeanne Melanson - September 19, 2014 - 4:42 pm. Reply #

Proud moment. People are passionate about their sports sometimes and especially so if they can be proud of their champions. Thanks for sharing.

by Nathaniel Kidd - September 19, 2014 - 5:34 pm. Reply #

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