by mitzimsa on November 11, 2014



American Flag Flying High Veterans Day

Veterans Day:  This is one of the many reason why I’m grateful for the position I hold at 20th Century Fox. It’s true all that glitters is not gold but in my case, entering into the gates of make believe on a daily basis and getting a check it’s pure joy!

As always there’s a lot that goes on around here on the Fox Lot… there’s the actual work that I’m hired to do and then there’s; filming, screenings, scoring, volunteer work, amazing opportunities to see who knows who, show characters running around and since I’m in the music department a show case or two.  It’s all in a day on the Fox Lot!!

 The Service Of Veterans Is Why I’m Proud To Say

“I’m An American” On Veterans Day!

As today is Veterans Day it will not go unnoticed on the Fox Lot!  All employees were invited to come visit, sign and or leave a message of appreciation to our troops overseas on the FOX “GRATITUDE WALL.”   As well as drop off  a donation of children socks that will be sent to military families by our partners at the USO!

Thank you, Fox Audience Strategy for creating conversations, engaging communities, building audiences and for offering the opportunity to acknowledge are service men and women that serve and protect the honor of the USA!

To each and every Veteran and all service men and women, THANK YOU!!!

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