Simon Del Amo Fashion Center Mall “Spread Love for the Holidays”

by mitzimsa on December 5, 2014

Simon says “Spread Love for the Holidays”

Simon Del Amo Fashion Center Mall Santa and Child

Now that Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday have all come and gone the holiday season is in full swing at Simon Del Amo Fashion Center Mall. Come one and all the joy and magic of the holiday season has begun. The Carolers are caroling and strolling the mall and Jazz by Ricky Sims on various dates oh joy to the world and what fun can be had by the big and small!

The Salvation Army has a Giving Tree with angles dangling and flying high on the tree in the breeze.  This is a wonderful way to make another person’s season bright pick up an angle and give it flight. The wings will tell you what the wish may be go ahead fulfill the wish and see how happy you’ll be!  Now through December 12th.

Explore What Simon Del Amo Fashion Center Mall Has In Store For The Holiday

Simon Santa Photo Experience  is sponsored by Gymboree and that’s where you’ll find all of your Festive Fashion Favorites for your children to shine with glee.  Children can be photographed with Santa every day until December 24 so hurry in, for your photo of the starry eyed wee ones!  You can reserve your magical moment with Santa online.


Sit down and dine with Santa on December 6 it’s all happening at the Lazy Dog Restaurant, and it’s an exclusive event.  This event is for Kidgits members and you must reserve your place click the link  above, become a member and register for this very important date.


December 6 is a big day at Simon Del Amo Fashion Center. as if having breakfast with Santa isn’t enough they may spread a little LOVE your way…randomly selected shoppers will be presented with two free Simon gift cards – one to keep, and one to pay forward to a fellow shopper!  Holiday Magic!

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