My Love For The First Lady

by mitzimsa on March 11, 2015


I Can’t Get Enough of The First Lady!

The First Lady Of EmpireFrom where I stand today and over the last 5 + years when Michelle speaks we listen (as in the First Lady). We admire her poise and how she allows the real her to shine through. She is so relatable, her style of dress is something most of us can achieve. Her interest in the health of the family and our children is a mission she took to the white house grounds by planting a fruit and veggie garden, which daily supplies the produce at their dinner table and of course we adore her taste in men.

The First Lady of Empire


unnamed (69)

Cookie First Lady Of Empire

Over the last 10 weeks we’ve come to know the First Lady of Empire and when Cookie speaks we listen. We also admire her and her quick wit she pops off business and street knowledge throughout the hour hopefully for the receiver it’s a lesson learned. But, if not she’ll get back with ya! Since the premier episode she’s been team Lyon Family Empire I mean after all we were introduced to her as she came out of prison doing time for the sake of her family. From what I can tell Miss Cookie is the one making moves and closing music deals. Looks as if she made it home just in time!  So, moving on…I know you’ll been checkin Cookies Closet, right! If not hit the link this is where you’ll find some major cute looks, the when, where and in action. You know she’s crumbling somebody’s cookie in each and every episode. We know Cookie is no five and dime chick; so she’s giving us tips on how to achieve the look on a dime so to speak alongside of the pricey look.

See the similarities??? I Got Nothin But Love For First Ladies!!

Oh just one more thing #CookieMonsters, if you’re on the phone when it’s time for the episode to begin….here’s a little Cookie Bite “Porsha, Phone Check” Lolll
Until next time, Smooches!

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