Empire: Cookie Bites, Bits and Crumbles!

by mitzimsa on April 15, 2015

I Confess I’m A Cookie Monster

Cookie Lyon & Cookie MonisterSo by now I don’t have to tell you, I’m #TeamCookie!

I’ve been tracking all the cookie bites, crumbles and checking out what all the cookie monsters have to say!  Why, recently I had a chance to get let’s say; up close and personal but no cigar that would be a selfie. But, I did do a personal shot out to the First Lady of Empire, Queen Bee of the Small Screen and in her own persona a Bison “You Know” MS. TARAJI P. HENSON.

A perfect example of speaking things into existence; Cookie has been in the making for some time, being that Taraji has owned this nick name since her days on the Howard Yard. Most recently I learned that Empire isn’t the only one that pinned the name in a script for Taraji.  So Cookie it is!!

Watching Cookie do her thing on screen is like spending some time with ya gurl… some sh.. might go down, but one thing for sure it’s going to be one hell of an adventure.  No way I’d pass up rolling around town in a smooth ride with Malcom for protection!!

Any who, season 1 has ended, and the 2 hour final knocked our socks off with all the twist and turns.  I’m feening already!

Oh well, guess I’ll have to chew on these quotes until she returns!


“The name’s Cookie. Ask about me.”

“Better be glad I don’t fell like no scene today, cause I’ll shut it down.”

“Oh, and Anika this is an a..,”

“Straight down the hall to the right then jump out the window and straight down”

You need to get La Cucaracha to clean up around here a bit.”

“Dead bitch walking that’s me out here now.”

“God, please do not withhold your blessings, even from ho’s that hire skanks to spy on me.  In Jesus name I pray, amen. Hallelujah!”

“She [Camilla] got her draws wrapped around my babies neck. And he can’t breath.”

“Yeah, that’s my name. Take a bite!”

“The streets ain’t made for everybody. That’s why the made sidewalks.”

So, now what’s a girl to do Wednesday Nights?






Hmm. Wednesday. I don’t have anything for Wednesday. But you got netflix, amazon, and hulu! LOL.

by Angel Rodriguez - April 16, 2015 - 3:17 pm. Reply #

I got in on the Empire bandwagon a little late. I do enjoy the show. Cookie is also one of my faves.

by Kim - April 17, 2015 - 7:36 am. Reply #

I have no clue as to what this post is about..I don’t watch telly, but it made me laugh – so thank you for that!!

by Danielle Alinia - April 17, 2015 - 3:32 pm. Reply #

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