Spring Style at The Shops at Mission Viejo

by mitzimsa on April 29, 2015


GQ and Glamour Magazines invited guest to take a peek at the newest spring style fashion during LOOKBOOK Live held at The Shops at Mission Viejo!

Spring Style LOOKBOOK Live This event gave an inside look  into the date-themed style closets. The style closets were filled with all of the newest style of spring for men and women to wear on a date. If your one of those people that need inspiration and visual you were in luck the fashion show gave the incentive to follow your favorite look right off the run way and into the store that supplied the look, located at The Shops at Mission Viejo.

Style experts where available to provide consultation to help all shape, sizes and ages pull their personal spring look together. The event included complimentary beauty applications, style challenges, giveaways, refreshments and a photo booth; to document your good time and send it off into the socialsphere for everyone to see what they missed.


Four amazing women were honored by Mission Hospital whom had also partnered with The Shops at Mission Viejo to provide head to toe makeovers which include hair, makeup and an outfit. The breast cancer survivors showed their new found spring style and strutted their stuff across the runway! This portion of the event was to bring awareness to the Think Pink Breast Health Wall of Honor, that will be on display this October at The Shops at Mission Viejo for the 13th year. The opportunity to honor or remember a loved one on a hand-written card to be placed on the wall could be purchased for $25.  This small amount helps to underwrite the cost of a mammogram for persons who would otherwise not be able to afford the procedure.

After I took in all the fun that was to be had, learned how to do the perfect cat eye eyeliner and drove the photo booth guy bonkers. I settled in with a few of the girls to chat and indulge in the array of refreshments as I poked through the great LookBook Gift Bag!  Thanks  to GQ, Glamour and The Shops at Mission Viejo for showing me my personal way to spring style!!!

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