Spring into Clean with Woolite!

by mitzimsa on March 7, 2016

Woolite Carpet & Upholstery!



Had a little spill in the car and pickup this product to wipe it all away! Little did I know that I was buying a Jeanie in a Bottle so to speak! This product has turned into one of my all-time favorite spring cleaning tools!
Let me introduce you to my little friend…Woolite Carpet & Upholstery, it’s suggested use is for as the name says Carpet & Upholstery and the triple action cleans, refreshes and eliminates orders. Down in the corner of the can it lets you know that it’s good for kid and pet messes as well.
WooliteNow I’m not sure if they know the capabilities of this little wonder but that’s where I come in. If it’s good for carpet, upholstery kids and pets I just figured it had to be good for other household cleaning and honey it is.  This far I’ve removed dust, dirt and grim from my window seals. Cleaned the grease and dirt from the sides of my stove and attacked the washer and dryer with that soft scrubbing bush on top of the can. The stain lift technology lifts and removes deep down dirt and stains and smells good too! Every one of the item were brought to a sparkling clean that looks as if tinker bell stop by with her magic wand and made it twinkle!
With this being the season of spring cleaning I would suggest that you rush right out and pick up a few of cans of  Woolite Carpet & Upholstery, I know that you will be pleased with the results and the lack of hard rubbing and scrubbing that’s you needed if you just press the little button in the back of the brush and watch the foam go to work!

Happy Spring Cleaning!


Disclaimer: I have not been paid or supplied with this product this post was written due to the wonderful lack of effort that I had getting my house spring clean with Woolite Carpet & Upholstery.

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