Relax, Refresh and Revive!

by mitzimsa on July 19, 2016

A healthy lifestyle…

Relax, Refresh and Revive!

Go Ahead Relax, Refresh and Revive!!

Set and feel the sun on our face and witness some of the beauty that’s around you! A retreat doesn’t have to always be with a group you can plan your very own personal retreat. It will give you the opportunity to escape your daily life and relax, refresh and revive!

Take some time to stop and smell the roses per say; there is something to this you know! Find a rose garden or field of flowers and just hang out for a while. If only for a few moments take a look around at the beauty inhale slowly and exhale even slower, feel the stress leave your body. If you have more time, take a time out; pack a lunch grab a blanket and relax this will surely put you in a peaceful state of mind.


There are so many ways to relax, refresh and revive. Explore different ways to invite peacefulness into your life! Quite often I go all out and have a massage, facial, a back adjustment with a chiropractor and incorporate acupuncture. Of course after I’ve been rubbed, scrubbed down, poked, and cracked vertebrae by vertebrae I feel like a wet noodle but, there is no longer a tense bone in my body.

If you don’t have time for a massage, have a cup of hot tea and break out an adult coloring book they’re all the rage right now and this will do wonders for your spirit as well.  For a simpler way to relax, refresh and revive right in your home, pet owners can spend some time cuddling and petting; it’s been shown to relieve anxiety. If you need to relieve some stress on the go try finding a quite salon and settle in for a mani & pedi maybe included a neck massage.  Whatever you do find the time in your life to relax, refresh and revive and enjoy the Zen!!


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