The Shops at Montebello for the Holidays

by mitzimsa on December 5, 2016

Holiday Shopping at The Shops at Montebello!

The Shops at Montebello Mall Sign

Recently I was invited to preview the wonderful holiday experience that Simon Mall The Shops at Montebello will offer you and your family this holiday season! A great place to shop for the largest gift giving holiday of the year!

Now that the turkey has been gobbled, Black Friday has had it run, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday are thing of the past; off to the mall we should go! Why not spend your holiday cheer shopping The Shops at Montebello!  Santa is waiting for you to whisper in his ear what you would like to see under the tree this year.

My experience started off by being hosted at BJ’s! This restaurant is great for dinning either alone or with a group.  The menu selected for our group reflected Al Fresco Dinning only indoors.  BJ’s offered great food, a warm environment that allowed us to share information and get to know one another!

Let The Shops at Montebello Preview begin!!

cotton-on-montebello-16Cotton On’s official opening ceremony had taken place earlier in the day.  I was told that customers lined up at 4:30 am to be one of the first 100 for a special prize!  Upon entering the store the DJ was spinning music that put you in the mood to shop and bop along to the beat. I was even picked out of the crowd of bloggers by the manager and complimented on my “Cotton On Style”, ” it was very reflective of the stores brand if I must say so myself!”





This politically correct Australian based brand is an outstanding company that gives back in so many ways.  Not only in the quality of the product you find in their retail stores but, also by investing in careers and future generations globally.  The workmanship and quality of the items sold at this chain speaks volume of who this brand is. Shop Cotton On and let your gift be a gift that keeps giving far beyond this holiday season! You’ll always support a good cause if you shop Cotton On!


While chatting with Santa, Elves and the rest of the crew we munched on treats from the Sweet Factory as while as previewed some of the holiday deals from a few of the retailers.  If your like me you have to feed your sweet tooth throughout the holiday season. I recommend you check out The Sweet Factory to fulfill your craving and be sure to pick up a few treats for your guest.

Representatives from Forever 21, JCPenny and Guess were on hand to discuss coming promotions for the holiday season!

The Shops at Montebello has a great variety of retail brands and eatery’s to choose from while taking care of all your holiday needs!


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