LA Football: Sweet Spot for a Caregiver

by mitzimsa on September 25, 2017



Football season is in full effect, here in Los Angeles we’ve gone from no team at all to two professional teams. While many were hoping that the Raiders would be back to claim the throne the league decided they were best suited for Sin City! This is the first season that the Chargers and Rams have claimed LA as their home town territory. We’ll have to wait until the end of the season to see who ends up being top dog of LA Football!!

I can’t say that I was a drop dead fan for the game but I enjoyed many games on chilly Friday nights during my high school years became more intrigued while I attended Howard University, I fell for the Bison’s (You Know!) Once I took the time to check out a few professional games the huddle was better than I ever remembered! Therefore I never turned down a chance to travel to San Diego or the Bay Area to see the California Professional Teams but, these trips were more enticing for the road trip, shopping and spending time with friends.


I never would have dreamed how much football season would become a part of my life until I became a caregiver to my husband. I enjoy seeing him excited and talking trash every week during the season. He’s not one of the fans that claims a team he says he just likes a good game. On Sunday morning when he settles into his recliner to ready himself for the kickoff I prepare myself for the screaming and shouting and stomping that I’ll hear from the living room while I do my thing in the kitchen.

Having a chronic illness brings about so many ups, downs, triumphs and setbacks. If you think about it, its kind of the same in football. As a wife and caregiver to a man with a chronic illness, I live to hear and see the expressions of joy that the game brings to his life. Which makes me elated for the time of year when I hear “Are You Ready for Some Football”

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