Trick or Treat? Not like I Remember
by mitzimsa on October 30, 2017
Trick or Treat Smell My Feet!
With the fall holiday season drawing near it’s time for all the ghost and goblins to come to your door screaming TRICK OR TREAT!! This also brings to mind how the tradition is nothing like it used to be. For starters NOT ONE of the little creatures have a joke in store for your listening and laughing pleasure.
We use to spend hours teaching and practicing our Trick or Treat jokes and the delivery, to earn that extra piece of candy! Back in the day this was part of the fun as well as seeing who was most creative with the costume. Our Mothers would spend hours planning and sewing costumes fit for the runway. Of course there was always the kid that put their creative juices to work and would come up with something that the explanation would be a scarier then it looked!!
Trick or Treat? I Don’t Think So…
Aww, the good old days! Older family members would get seats front and center by the door to be able to enjoy the festive time. If they were able they would give out a treat or two to the cuties bringing miles of smile to all involved.
Why, back in the day children may even have stepped into the entry way for their rations. Or you would pale everyone in the car and go from neighborhood to neighborhood collecting bags of candy bigger then the little trick or treaters!
But, today I have found that not a lot of neighborhoods bother to participate in this holiday due to foolishness that’s going on in the world besides the cost of candy.
It’s Just Not The Way It Use To Be
Now we have to be aware of who’s coming to the door before we can opening, you don’t want to be subject to home invasion. The little ones have to be aware of which houses they solicit for a treat with all of the bad people they could encounter and let’s not forget the tampering of the goodies that are handed out. Nowadays you can drive around for hours and never find a street that has more than a few houses that are taking part in the celebration. There goes the great work out for the parents before raiding the goodie bags later that night while the children sleep!
Finally, today trick or treating is… purchased customs of whom ever the child’s favorite cartoon or movie character is or possibly whom or whatever is in the news. Parties are being held at churches, community centers or private parties within the home for their little ones. Then there’s the mall and trunk or treat events. Be sure to seek out events in your neighborhood!
BOO, whatever way you decide to celebrate, I want you to have a Happy Halloween and a fun and safe time out there Trick or Treating!!!!!
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