Olivia Pope SCANDAL: Thursday’s Will Never Be The Same!

by mitzimsa on October 3, 2013

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Olivia Pope SCANDAL: Six Things That Make Me Go Hmmm…

1.  Who outed Olivia and Fitz?

2.  Now that the world knows Olivia Pope is the President’s Sweet Thang…..what’s next?  She has always been there for him, will he do the same for her now that the cat’s out the bag?

3.  Is Olivia still more in important to Fitz then the Oval Office?

4.  Will Millie and Fitz divorce?

5.  Does Fitz know anything about B613 and that Olivia’s father is the head…just how much does he know about her background and family?

6.  Will Olivia and Fitz be giving up more of those hot and steaming sex scenes…lock your closet’s!



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Shame on you Shonda Rhimes and ABC for airing the last episode of season 2 two weeks ago, I’ve lost sleep waiting for tonight. But tonight is the big night that all the Gladiators around the world have been waiting for Season Premier of SCANDAL!!!  Personally I will have to stay off the Twitter Feed until the West Coast viewing.  It really angers me that those East Coasters will get the answer to some of my question before me.  Funny thing my husband is just as excited he’s been keeping up with the Kerry Washington interviews on the talk shows just to hear any tid bits that he can about tonight’s airing. One of my co-workers has some inside scoop, he was teasing me this morning “Boy, how I wish I could give you a little insight on tonight’s show”  My reply was “Didn’t your mama teach you that if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all, I was very offended by your comment”!  Lolll

We’ll be doing take out tonight, my glass and wine is on chill and I’ve turned the ringer off on the phone.  There will be no interruptions during tonight’s episode, LET’S GET THIS SCANDAL STARTED!!

Check out this video: Stuff Women Who HATE ON Scandal Say…  by Chicago Rose http://www.pinterest.com/pin/457678380852751846/

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