Aviator Sunglasses: What Designer Will You Choose For The Summer?

by mitzimsa on April 1, 2014

Ray-Ban: Has An Aviator For You!

Did you know that Aviator sunglasses were invented for the military? It was 1937 when the aviator was mass produced and became available in the USA.  Ray-Ban had the trade mark and produced this well known shape with their logo. They became the go to shade for Air-Force Pilots.  They were manufactured with mineral glass which filtered the ultra-violet rays and were light weight.

Aviator sunglasses became popular after world war two.  Once General Douglas MacArthur and other pilots that had been photographed sporting the frame after landing on the beach in the Philippines. The frame style captivated  civilians and other military personnel and it still remains the most popular in fashion trends for the last 7 decades.

Mitzimsadventures Polarized Ray Ban Sunglasses

Aviator Sunglasses Stay On Trend & Stand There Ground!!

In the 70’s from what I remember…we all wanted a pair of Aviator sunglasses. If your were sportin a Afro, Pick and Aviator Sunglasses you were BAD.  They were shaped in a way that made them a good look and shape for almost anyone’s face.

Through the years many different  companies and variations  of the Aviator have been produced.  Different lenses types have be used, like the mirrored ones Tom Cruz wore in Top Gun.  A large pool of designers have put their spin on this shade with color and or a slight change in shape but, Ray Ban (Big Daddy) doesn’t step aside.

Aviators may come and Aviators may go but the one and only true Aviator Sunglasses has and will remain on top, the Ray-Ban!  I’m sure we’ll be wearing these shades for decades to come, it will be interesting to see the next direction they will take.  Since we live in a society that is driven by Celebrities and the popularity of what they wear the Aviator future is bright!

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