Wine Review- Foodies Wine Pairing Made Simple

by mitzimsa on July 9, 2014

A Wine For Every Main Course

Often I find myself in conversation about wine with friends and co-workers but when they start with the notes, watery edge, tannins and body comments….I’m like a fish out of water! So I do more listening then speaking and take their suggestions. I’m not opposed to sending a few bucks if the wine is good but I don’t want to go overboard, I’d rather spend the bulk of my money on the main course of the meal. I keep telling myself that I must take a class to learn more about wine. I enjoy red, white and sparkling wine but I have longed to know more about pairing what wine with what dish. When I purchase wine it’s all about my attraction to the bottle. The label and the shape of the bottle is what draws me in.

Exclusive Wine For World Market

Wine GlassesRecently while at World Market, a set of cute bottles caught my eye while browsing the wine section. Dear Lord, you must have heard my call because I felt as if the heavens had opened up and produced this wine just for me. The marketing of this product is ingenious, my dilemma has been solved!! FOODIES, label not only looks expensive it tells me exactly which type of animal I should serve the wine with, “Now if it taste as good as the bottles looks, I’m in business.”

This wine was created for foodies and compliments a wide range of dishes, they were sure to cover every food group when producing this wine you can choose from Chardonnay, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Red Blend.

So far I’ve become a fan of the Cabernet Sauvignon and the Red Blend, though the Cab (check out my wine talk) is labeled for beef, the label also offers an education in the art of butchering. Thanks to Foodie I can now talk to the butcher in his language!

I understand that this brand was made especially for World Market, the taste is amazing and at $6.99 a bottle I’m looking forward to trying them all!

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