Pajama, Pajamas, PJ’s or Jammies

by mitzimsa on February 19, 2015

I Don’t Care What You Call Them…Just keep them in house!


Pajamas – Clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in, usually consisting of a loose-fitting shirt and pants / trouser.

This is how I’ve always known Pajama’s to be described. The stand out words in this description are CLOTHES FOR WEARING TO BED AND SLEEPING!! With the 21st Century came whole new definition, which I can’t seem to find in the dictionary.

Bed time is a time of comfort and coziness. For me what makes a good night sleep is a well-made bed and my Pajamas.   I don’t know about you but I love love love being in my jammies, it takes me back to my younger days when living was easy and I had not one care in the world.

There’s days I don’t come out of my Pajamas…

Like a Saturday morning when I jump out of bed and move to the sofa for a lazy morning of coffee and some quality time with my TV.  Could be, I’m not going out of the house that day and I just want to have that relaxed warm fuzzy feeling.  Or I’ll jump in a bubble bath slide into a clean pair of pajamas and lavish in the cozy  comfort all day long.  And, then there’s those sick days when you can’t get yourself together enough to come out of the pair you slept in.  But the one thing I never do is wear pajamas out my front door…well maybe once a week to get the newspaper out of the front yard, on second thought bushes!  Yes, I still have the Sunday Times delivered; just old school like that!

Back to the 21st Century!

Today while cruzing on the computer in my jammies, I ran across a new luxury pajama brand by the name of Sleepy Jones.  Sleepy Jones pajamas are as well made as a designer shirt. The brand was conceived by menswear creative guru Andy Spade and his design team.  They were designed for lounging around the house but also are said to be made to pair with a blazer to go out on the town. Why get this they even designed a party-ready pair so you will never be tardy for the party!  TURN UP!!!

Hammacher Schlemmers  Pajamas Warming Pouch – This handy pouch warms your pajamas nice and toasty in just 10 minutes. Figures… they would come up with this nifty tool now that I’ve trained my husband to keep mine warm by way of the dryer until I get home in the evening. There’s nothing like jumping into warm jammies!   If you haven’t tried it, do! It will be instant warm PJ’s love! Let me warn you there’s no turning back after a night with warm jammies!!








I don’t wear PJ’s to bed, but around the house. I hate seeing people wear them outside… it’s tacky as heck.

by Kim - February 20, 2015 - 1:05 pm. Reply #

This is so appropriate since I’m currently wearing my PJs as I type this reply… although I prefer to call my fit “lounge wear” because it’s more about being warm and cozy in the polar vortex than it is about anything close to bed time. But now I feel guilty because I DID throw on my coat over my jammies to run to the store the other night… lol.
Aside, I love the idea of anything that warms up your pajamas, I need to try these out!!!

by Dove - February 20, 2015 - 2:46 pm. Reply #

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