BlogHer 14 – On My Way To San Jose!

by mitzimsa on July 15, 2014

This Newbie is Hopping Aboard the BlogHer Train!


 As I prepare myself for travel to BlogHer 14, I find myself singing “Do You Know The Way To San Jose”. This song brings to mind such wonderful memories of my childhood and gives me much comfort, besides I love the sound of Dionne Warwick voice! The melody of the song is very sweet and light hearted but, once I started to listen close to the words I found them not as cheery as the melody. Seems to me the hopes and dreams of moving to LA didn’t work out and their tucking tail and getting the hell out of LA.

Most that know me would tell you that I’m never uncomfortable in any situation, not true; I’m just a true believer in “Never Let Them See You Sweat”. Since I’m a newbie, finding my prime real estate in this place called the blogosphere is quite a challenge and I often wonder if I arrived to the party to late. Late? I can’t be… how in the world would a girl with so much to do, say and see  not take a stab in the world of words? So off to BlogHer I’ll go  in hopes of gaining knowledge and contacts that will further my blog adventure.

With all the butterflies and anx that I’m feeling, I jumped right in… I registered as a volunteer, signed up for a buddy (mentor), been involved in chat rooms on Skype and threw myself into the lion’s den by signing up for a few events.  Now that I’m days away from my BlogHer experience, I’m forced to focus on packing… oops, there goes those darn butterfiles again!  Well, off to the chat room I go; let’s see what advice the veterns have on packing .  If all goes as planned I’m sure I’ll  leave BlogHer  singing  “Yes I know my way to San Jose” with the same found memories that I’ve always had when I heard the song!!  BlogHer14 or Bust!!!


One comment

[…] not going into a lot of detail on the BlogHer14, that’s a story within itself but if you click on the link you can read about my preparation […]

by Travel The California Gold Coast To Wine Country Mitzi MsAdventures - August 18, 2014 - 5:43 pm. Reply #

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